Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The tobacco storie

Until the late 15 th century this plant probably was not aware of other people, except for Native American continent. Archaeological excavations have shown that 4000 years ago, probably even earlier, Americans smoked tobacco. In ancient civilizations has been said a lot about the magical and medicinal properties of TIS plant.

The word tobacco, probably originated from the island of Tobago. As evidence of Spanish sailors, who arrived the shores of modern Central America on Oct. 15, 1492 with the expedition of Columbus, word tobacco is used by local Aborigines called the large folded sheet to the ritual of smoking. After the Spanish and Portuguese brought leaves and seeds in Europe, and despite the prohibitions of the Inquisition, the Europeans began to cultivate tobacco.

French ambassador Jean Nicot Portuguese court in 1560sent some tobacco Queen Catherine de Medici, recommended it as a cure for migraine. Shortly thereafter, snuff became very fashionable everywhere in France. In honor of Nico plant was named in Latin, Tobacco, and essentially developed from this plant in the early 19 th century called nicotine.

Since the second half of the 16 century, tobacco has become very popular as a medicinal plant, almost a panacea. Was used snuff, which comes from the tobacco, people chew tobacco mixed with other substances to treat disease is cold, headache, toothache, skin and infectious diseases.

In 1580, the English aristocrat, a chain smoker, a sailor and poet, Sir Walter Raily created a tobacco plantation in Ireland, and more recently in other colonial American territory. He called one of them, Virginia, and this kind of tobacco has been called by that name.

In the early 17 th century on the territory of modern America, mainly in the British colonies, and any other tobacco plantations. In 1611, this plantation was established in Virginia, the Englishman John Rolf.

Tobacco seeds were brought to them from Trinidad and Venezuela, and the technology was borrowed from Walter Raily (and improved it on). At 8 years, began exporting tobacco from Virginia to England, and John Rolf himself settled in the New World and even married the daughter of an Indian chief who gave him advice to try tobacco planting.

Among the nobles had other admirers of tobacco. King of Prussia, Frederick I (beginning of 18 century) organized smoking festivals German court and his son, Frederick William I, even founded the Tobacco Board, where its meetings were discussed on the policy of the state, having smoked tobacco. From Russian fans Tobacco Peter I.

There were opponents of tobacco control. King James I of England in the early 17 th century were opposed to smoking and to consider the habit is harmful to health, relaxing people and weaken the state further. He introduced a tax on importers of tobacco to England. Roughly speaking, the same did Cardinal Richelieu in France.

Of course, this did not stop the spread of the tobacco, but called the smuggling of imports. In the East, especially in hot climate smoking is often the cause of the fire, smoking was prosecuted roughly. In Turkey, the smokers were subjected to physical punishment, a shameful ceremonies and was even sentenced to death. In Japan, a person may be deprived of his liberty in Russia, people can be tortured. The truth is that all these prohibitions do not eliminate this habit, they do not help now, when all the children know that smoking damages health.

During the opening of American Tobacco common. Indians of South and Central America smoking a long cigar rolled leaves Cohiba factory (the inhabitants of South American smoke them until now). In the Cuban Indians cohibo word language meant the process of smoking. Spanish and Portuguese people borrowed cigars and distribute them in Europe in the first half of the 17 th century. In Mexico and North America, the Aztecs and the Indians smoking pipes. English as people began to colonize the New World from North America, so they borrowed the pipe, and even began to tobacco products from special shrub heath.

History established the exact date and circumstances under which the population of Europe ecstasy perceived smoking tobacco. In 1597 the Roman Panov in his narration of Columbuss second trip to America tells us more about the traditions spread among the inhabitants of this country to tobacco smoke. In the first visit Columbuss in 1492 Antillians appeared before him in tobacco smoke, they rolled tobacco leaves of corn and gave him a cigar-shaped. Further travelers found that tobacco smoking is a water well in America, and only in some parts of the east coast of South America, smoking was replaced chewing tobacco.

First, the Europeans have noticed that the tobacco leaves of grass, as well as tobacco leaves can suppress hunger and maintain vigor.

A citizen of the city of Milan Jirolamo Benzonni lived in Mexico between 1541 and 1555 reported that smoking tobacco is to them in this country, like tobacco, and hence began European Tobacco word. In 1556 members of the French expedition to South America missionary Andrew Thevet brought tobacco seeds to Paris, the seeds he called Le Petunin.

Thevet described the process of smoking on the islands of the river where Maraniene dried tobacco leaves, were transferred on palm leaves, so a long tube shape was formed. In 1560, the French ambassador in Lisbon, Jean Nicot brought the seeds of this plant in France, where he initiated the cultural cultivation of tobacco. Botany Dalechamp described the tobacco for the first time in his book "History of Plants (Historia Plantarum, 1586) and called him by name Nico Nicotiana.

French people began to cultivate tobacco as grass, and as an ornamental plant. Only in 1585 a group of soldiers landed in Spain and Portugal showed the Europeans their unusual people who puffed the smoke from the mouth and nose. In Germany, the expression Geute well-educated man does not smoke has been disproved in real life.

The English King James in 1604 composed his contropposition tobacco which he described smoking as disgusting tradition to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the chest, dangerous to the lungs, black smoke, so smoke from hell. Jamess offensive treatise explains shag that reached England before the natural tobacco.

Peter I became a passionate smoker during his visit to England in front of him in Russia were beaten people from smoking and exiled to Siberia. Snuff powder has been widely distributed and dear snuff appeared. We used long, narrow pipes, and most people started to collect them. In Muslim countries there were odd instruments, such as narghile, hookahs and other, when the smoke passes through the vessel with water and then bent over the waste in light smokers. The triumph brought him into the 16th century in India, Indonesia, Japan, on the islands of Oceania. For most countries, tobacco production has become a major source of state budget (eg in Turkey).

Thursday, March 19, 2009

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Vantage Cigarettes Brand

Vantage is a brand of American cigarettes produced by the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. It received its biggest advertising push in the 1970s and '80s but is now categorized as a 'non-support' brand; though R.J. Reynolds will not provide marketing support for Vantage, the company will keep up the brand's distribution where there is consumer demand.

R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (RJR), based in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and founded by R. J. Reynolds in 1874, is the second-largest tobacco company in the U.S. (behind Altria Group). RJR is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Reynolds American Inc. which in turn is 42% owned by British American Tobacco.

R. J. Reynolds brands include Camel, Kool, Winston, Salem, Doral, Eclipse, Export A and Pall Mall. Brands still manufactured but no longer receiving significant marketing support include Barclay, Belair, Capri, Carlton, GPC, Camel, Lucky Strike, Misty, Monarch, More, Now, Tareyton, Vantage, and Viceroy. The company also manufactures certain private-label brands. Five of the company's brands are among the top ten best selling cigarette brands in the United States, and it is estimated that one in three cigarettes sold in the country were manufactured by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. In 2006 R. J. Reynolds acquired the rights to the smokeless tobacco products Kodiak and Grizzly dip.

Vantage is a mid position brand when it comes to tar and nicotine content with the Full Flavor version around 9 MG of tar and the Lights version around 5 MG. Reynolds no longer provides and marketing support for Vantage making it hard to find at retail. This brand is much easier to find on line.

Vantage is notable for its innovative filter design. Rather than featuring a solid filter like most cigarette brands, Vantage's filter features a conical hole in its center. While seemingly as mysterious as Parliament's recessed filter, Vantage advertising from 1977 states that the reasoning behind the design is to give "smokers the flavor of a full-flavor cigarette without anywhere near the 'tar' or nicotine". Similarly, Vantage's packaging still features the slogan "Rich Taste, Low Tar" and promises 9 mg of tar and 0.8 mg of nicotine.

Vantage's current-day profile is rather low, but the brand pops up every so often. It is featured as the heroine's cigarette of choice in Lorrie Moore's short story "Willing" in her collection Birds of America and is seen being stubbed out by a minor character in Donna Tartt's bestselling The Secret History. Similarly, the final punch line of the film Reversal of Fortune comes as Jeremy Irons's Klaus von Bulow purchases "two packs Vantage" at a drug store. Bette Davis, who was well known for her smoking habit, changed her preferred cigarette from Lucky Strike to Vantage in the later years of her life.